First Trial POSTS (1)

On the official “Milgram Portal” app, interactions between the characters are released, formatted like social media posts. The vast majority of these were posted around the start of the first trial, but new posts are still made for characters' birthdays and other events.

I've made a note of each event-based post, so that if you like, you can follow along chronologically as you watch each video.


Jackalope: Hey, have you been behaving yourselves while you waited?
I’ll explain what it is you need to do.
……come back on May 1st at 7pm.
I’ll tell you everything you need to know about Milgram then.
In the meantime, you should bring in as many other people into Milgram as you can. You’ll be considering the prisoners’ “sins”…… it’s important to have a lot of different ways of thinking and feeling. You understand, right?

Jackalope: ……also, all of you who’ve been calling me a rabbit on Twitter. Just know I remember all your icons……


Jackalope: I’ve brought information on all the prisoners for you. Make sure you remember it all.
First up, Prisoner 01, Haruka.
Ahh, well, he’s a gloomy introvert. Next!

Jackalope: Prisoner 02, Yuno.
Apparently she’s a high school girl. You can see for yourself just by watching her, but she just goes at her own pace. It’s hard to grasp what she’s really like right now.


Jackalope: Prisoner 03, Fūta.
I hate this guy. He won’t shut up.

Jackalope: Prisoner 04, Mū.
A seriously beautiful young lady. She’s my type, but maybe a bit too young for me.

Jackalope: Prisoner 05, Shidō.
Well, I guess after me he’s the second most handsome here. But they always say the best-looking guys are nothing but trouble. Not that I’d know.


Jackalope: Prisoner 06, Mahiru.
This one is definitely a hit for me.

Jackalope: Prisoner 07, Kazui.
This old man has really great physique. If it came to fighting, he’d definitely be the number one.

Jackalope: Prisoner 08, Amane.
Look on and be amazed! This one is a primary school girl!
Huh? You’re asking if this girl can really be a murderer? ……why did you think that because she’s a child that couldn’t be the case?

Jackalope: Prisoner 09, Mikoto.
……he just seems kinda normal. I don’t really have anything to say.

Jackalope: Prisoner 10, Kotoko.
You can tell just from her aura that she’s not your everyday person…… You come across people like that sometimes.

[2020-05-01: "This is Milgram" is released]


Jackalope: By the way, regarding Milgram, as long as you aren’t trying to make a profit, you’re free to make whatever derivative works you want. We’re planning on also releasing the instrumentals for all the songs that get released, so go ahead and sing or dance to those if you want.
Management are currently in the middle of writing up guidelines for you so you can enjoy yourselves without worry, so just wait a bit longer.
Well, if you plan on drawing me, make sure you make me look cool, okay?
The important point is the horns. The red looks super elegant, don’t you think?


Jackalope: The first song hasn’t even been uploaded yet and the channel has already passed 100k subscribers…… All of you who subscribed, I give you my thanks.
…after all, the more brains that come together here, the stronger Milgram's consciousness grows.
And on that note, some words from management.
“Undercover” will be released on May 15th at 7 PM.
This will be what marks the real start of Milgram, so have fun with it.
Also, there’ll be a pre-release on the 14th for premium members that’ll show up to the end of the first chorus.
If you really can’t bear to wait, then look forward to getting to see that.

[2020-05-15: Es's voice drama and music video are released]


Jackalope: Starting from today, recordings from within Milgram are going to be transmitted to your terminals… ah, to put it in simple terms, conversations between the prisoners are going to start being posted on the timeline.
Also, just to make it clear… Whatever comments you post, they can’t see or hear them. Just think of it as a one-way surveillance. …well, that also means you can say whatever you want and it won’t matter. The only way you can do anything here is through Es. That’s the rule of Milgram. You’ll work it out eventually.
It’s not like it’s lonely for you or anything… after all, I’m always gonna be watching you.


Mikoto:  …I’ve really got caught up in some trouble, huh. What even is this place? It’s probably a TV reality show or something. …but to think someone in this day and age would try to do a project that could land them in so much trouble. Uh…

Mahiru: Ah… I’m Mahiru Shīna! You can just call me Mahiru. And you are…?

Mikoto: Mikoto Kayano. I’m fine with just Mikoto too. Ahh, I’m glad there’s someone here who’s easy to talk to… It’s nice to meet you, Mappy.

Mahiru: ……


Kazui: Ahh, this old man’s gonna go and smoke in the corner a bit.
I checked with the guard, and apparently we can use our free time however we want.
Man, I’m glad this place is so relaxed.

Shidō: …!
Are… we allowed to smoke…

Kazui: Huh… Shidō-kun, was it?
You smoke too? That’s kinda unexpected.

Shidō: Ah, yes.
…I only started fairly recently, though.
I’ll go with you… to smoke.

Fūta: Ahh, those old men really stink of tobacco.
Are they idiots or something? They should know better at that age…
If they really can’t cope without relying on something like that then I worry about their sanity.

Yuno: …it doesn’t really matter, does it?
They’re making sure they’re staying far away from the people who don’t smoke.
Personally, I quite like the smell anyway.

Fūta: Huh!? What are you talking about?
It means you’re more likely to get sick, it costs money, it’s a nuisance for everyone around you, what’s even the point?
Our tax money is being wasted going towards paying for that, you know? If you were really smart, you’d know not to smoke at all!

Yuno: I see~


Haruka: Aah… aaah…
Ah… Um… Ko-Koto-Kotokotoko-san…

Kotoko: …what?

Haruka: Eek… eh, um…!
I-I! I’m sorry!
…I-I’ll see you later…!

Kotoko: …what was that about?
This is the third time.

Mikoto: Oh~ Koto-chan, you’re here.
The guard was complaining earlier that you never answered their call.

Kotoko: Huh?
…I never heard about anything like…


: It’s weird… Even though we’re locked up in a place like this… everyone seems fine.
……nothing’s happened to me so far… b-but, who knows when they’ll do something horrible to me…
…hey, are you listening to me? What are you staring at…?

Amane: I’m not staring at anything.

: Liar, you definitely are…
What is it…? That rabbit? Jackalope… I think that’s what it’s called.
…do you want to pet it?

Amane: ……
Eh, you want to pet it?
If you want to, then I’ll be happy to go over and join you.


Haruka: O-our “mental images”…? will become a song… that’s what they said, right… the guard

Kazui: Hm? …ah, yeah, that’s right.
It’s kind of hard to believe, but apparently that’s how they’re gonna judge our sins.
What about that? …ah, right, you’re up first aren’t you, Haruka? It must be nerve-wracking.

Haruka: Y-yes… I’ve never sung before… so I’m worried, what if I’m really bad at it…

Kazui: …that’s the part you’re worried about?
Hm… Based on what the guard said, I don’t think it’s like they’re going to just say “Okay! Go ahead and sing now!” or anything like that.
How to put it… what they said is what’s inside your heart will be extracted in the form of a song and visuals, so you probably won’t have to actually sing…
No, wait… saying it out loud like that makes it feel even weirder. It’s like magic or something. Everything here feels like a dream, I’m too old for this…


Mahiru: Hey, Kotoko-chan.
There’s something that’s really been bugging me, so do you mind if I ask?
…how do you style yourself so well?
Have you always dressed like that? But it also looks like something you’d wear for training. Do you play sport? Ah, or maybe some kind of martial arts?

Kotoko: …you really are carefree.
Everyone in here is a “murderer,” right? Is this really the time to be asking questions like that?

Mahiru: Hmm, I guess so. That’s what they said.
But nobody here seems particularly scary or anything, right?
If I had to pick someone, then maybe you’re the scariest!
Ah, wait, do you do like yoga or something?

Kotoko: …I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me, or just an airhead.


: Hey, Mikoto-kun, aren’t you scared of this place…?
You can’t think of any reason you ended up here, right…?

Mikoto: Ahh, yeah. Of course, it’s not like I’m not scared at all.
But just between you and me… I still haven’t dropped the thought that this could all just be a TV show. I mean, I really haven’t ever murdered anyone.
…and if that is the case, we’re definitely being monitored. For like a prank setup or something.
Wouldn’t it be super uncool and embarrassing to get angry or lash and have it shown on prime time?

: Is that what you think…?
A prank, huh… I hope that’s all it is…

Mikoto: Ah! If that is the case, then you’ll probably be super popular since you’re so cute, Mucchan! There’s a lot of girls out there who make their big break coming off reality shows like that!


Yuno: Shidō-san, apparently if you send a request to the guard, they’ll provide us with any basic necessities we require.
Apparently we can even get some more luxury items to an extent. Is there anything you want?

Shidō: Kashiki-kun… I wonder why Es-kun is giving all of us that much freedom.
It’s obvious that this isn’t just a normal prison, but even taking that into account this is so far removed from what you’d expect from confinement.
Don’t you think it’s strange?

Yuno: Hmm. I mean, I think I kinda get why, though.
I mean like, if people just get to spend time as they usually do, then I feel like their real personalities are more likely to come out. The guard wants to observe everything about us and then determine whether to forgive us or not, right?
It’s not like they particularly want to lock us up or make us suffer.
…at least, not right now they don’t.

Shidō: …I’m surprised.
You’re a smart girl who’s very open-minded… Those are wonderful traits to have.
I see… In which case, I wonder if I could ask for a box of cigarettes?
I don’t want to be a burden, so I don’t mind if it’s the same brand as whatever Mukuhara-san is getting.


Fūta: …huh? What’s your problem?
You’re just leaving all your meat? What a weird kid.

Amane: You say that, but you’re not eating all of your food either.
…are you not able to eat your vegetables?
Even though you’re an adult.

Fūta: Huh, what, so you’re just eating grass? What are you, a rabbit or something?
Since you’re just a brat, you should be eating your meat properly.
You won’t grow if you don’t.

Amane: …you make some really funny jokes, don’t you, Fūta-san.


Yuno: Huh, so you go to that high school.
So you are from a rich family then~! I mean, you already gave off that vibe though.
What year are you in?

: First year…
Kashiki… san… you’re older than me, right?

Yuno: Yeah, I’m in third year.
But you can just call me Yuno, I don’t really like the stuffy formalities.
It doesn’t really matter who’s older and who’s younger. If you squint, we’re basically the same age anyway.

: …fufu, what’s with that?
But okay… I’ll call you Yuno from now on.


Haruka: Ah… ah, u-um, Mikoto-san.
The c-communication…? thing, that you were saying was important.
I-I thought, I’d give it my best…
Um, so, Mikoto-san, what’s your favourite food…?

Mikoto: Ooh? Nice going, Haru-kun~
Yeah, we still have no idea how long this lifestyle will go on for, so it’s best if we all get along together here.
My favourite food… I like pasta and horse-meat sashimi. Also bubble tea, and recently I’ve been big on custard puddings.
What about you?

Haruka: …ah, I, I wonder…
H-hamburg steak, and omurice, a-and also… what else?
Cotton candy…

Mikoto: C-cotton candy!?
That’s the first time I’ve met someone who has that in their top three favorites!?
…man, Haru-kun, you really are hilarious.


Fūta: Ahh… This is really pissing me off.
I can’t believe they won’t let us have computers or phones here…
Don’t they understand our human rights? I’m gonna ask them for better treatment.

Kotoko: Human rights for murderers, huh…
Well, it’s not like there aren’t facilities that are like that.
For example, in Norway, the Halden Prison allows its prisoners access to computers. Not only do their cells not have iron bars locking them in, but apparently they’re even allowed to return to their houses and go out shopping.
Even compared to this place, it’s very lax.
But as a result, the rate of second offense in Norway is the lowest in the world…

Fūta: Ahh. Yeah, Norway! The famous thing they have there!
It just shows they respect their prisoners’ rights. On that point, you can really tell Japan is lagging behind the rest of the world. Because all our politicians here are just idiots.

Kotoko: …I’m the idiot for expecting to get a reasonable debate here.


Amane: Kazui-san, I’ve noticed that you’re the oldest among us here, so… I’ll get straight to the point.
Are you smart?

Kazui: Hm? Haha, asking yet another question that’s hard to answer.
I mean, I did graduate from university, so I’d say I’m reasonably… ah, but it was just a sports university so maybe not… I’m not especially confident.
Why are you asking? What’ve you got there… textbooks?

Amane: Yes, I made a request to the guard, so I was given a selection of study materials. It’s somewhat of a hobby of mine.
If you were good at studying, I was considering asking if you could teach me some things.

Kazui: (sigh) Geez, back when I was your age, I didn’t want to study at all…
If that’s what you want, then your best bet is probably to ask Shidō-kun or Yuzuriha-chan. They both look like they took their studies seriously.


Mahiru: Shidō-san… you’re really good-looking.
Personally I think you’d be better if you ate a bit more, but you’re slim and tall, and well put together to boot…
You must’ve been super popular up until now, right?

Shidō: …yeah, that’s true…
I did my share of fooling around in the past.

Mahiru: Oh~? That’s not the sort of answer I’d expect from you.
I’ve got it! Somebody told you that if you replied like that people wouldn’t resent you so much, right?

Shidō: Haha, I’m surprised you guessed.
…it seems that no matter what guise I put on, it’s meaningless against a woman’s insight.


Yuno: Thanks for the meal~! …huh?
Kotoko-san, what’ve you got? That’s so unfair, only you getting to drink something that looks so good.

Kotoko: …it’s a whey protein shake.
It doesn’t taste particularly good or anything.
I sent a request for it to the guard.
The food we get here isn’t bad in terms of nutrient balance, but it’s a bit lacking in protein for me personally.

Yuno: A protein shake, huh. I’ve never tried one before.
It looks kinda like a lassi. Can I have a sip?

Kotoko: …just one sip.
Oi, that’s more than a sip.
This is supposed to become my muscle.


Fūta: Hey, why are you acting so carefree all the time?
You’re the oldest of the girls here, you should act it and deal with the others properly.

Mahiru: Eh~? I’m acting carefree~?
But maybe you’re right. I mean, I… ah, let’s make this a quiz.
Hey, Futa-kun. What do you think I like doing?
Tick, tick, tick, tick…

Fūta: Ahh, what even is this mood you’ve started? It’s annoying.
Just tell me the answer already.

Mahiru: Bzzt! Time’s up!
The correct answer is “traveling” and “exciting things”~
You don’t get many chances at a lifestyle as exciting as this, right?
So of course I’m going to be a bit carefree, ufufu~


Mikoto: Kazu-san, do you have any hobbies?
I kinda want to get into something that’s a bit more mature.
The sort of thing I could still be doing 10 years from now.

Kazui: Ahh, hobbies, huh. I wonder…
Hm, I guess trawling?
I have a friend with a boat, so we went out on it a lot.
Other than that, I guess when I go out drinking sometimes I play darts…
On that note, do you drink?

Mikoto: Ahh, I’ve tried darts before too.
Drinking, huh. I guess I can probably hold my alcohol a bit better than the average person. Back when I was a uni student I drank a lot.
But… you look like you drink a lot too, Kazu-san.

Kazui: …can you tell?
That’s probably my biggest hobby of all of them.
I like drinking anything. Beer, wine, shōchū, the lot.

[2020-06-12: Haruka's voice drama and music video are released]

2020-06-12 (Haruka's First Trial)

: …Haruka-kun… are you going?
Are you going to be ok…?
You don’t know what’s going to happen, so it’s scary, huh…

Haruka: Ah, y-yeah, I don’t know.
But I definitely have to go, th-that’s the feeling I get.

: …is that right.
Let me know whether it hurts or not…
All the best…

Haruka: Ah, eek… o-ok.
…I’ll… be off…


Amane: …what’s wrong, Shidō-san?
Your hand has stopped marking. This is mathematics, so there’s no questions about the answers. If I got something wrong, please mark it with an X.

Shidō: I… I just don’t understand.
If everything about Milgram is true… why did a child like you have to become a murderer? Just imagining what sort of circumstances must have led to that, it makes me so sad…

Amane: …(sigh) Is that right.
I don’t think I’m going to get along with you, Shidō-san.
I don’t agree with the fact you refuse to acknowledge that I have my own free will, and that I should be held accountable for my actions, just because I’m a child. I may have only been alive for 12 years, but all the choices I’ve made, even if they weren’t the best ones, were entirely my own.
What point is there in you getting sad when I have no regrets myself?
…please give me back my test. It seems you don’t have the concentration levels required to be my teacher. I’m going to get Kotoko-san to teach me instead.

Shidō: Amane…
I don’t think that’s true. However smart you may be… you’re still just a child.


Mikoto: Hey, it’s kinda a bother having you be so angry and tense all the time.
You should stop trying get everyone to pay attention to you.
You’re a uni student, right? You can’t act like that once you start working properly.

Fūta: Huh!? Shut up.
Not like I care what you say. Even though we’re in this shitty situation, you’re just chatting away, it’s stupid.
Aren’t you the one who’s acting out of place here?
…also the fact you give everyone nicknames is just gross.

Mikoto: (sigh) It’s more stupid to be taking this all so seriously.
I mean, it’s definitely just a reality TV program.
There’s no way a real prison exists that’s this lax.
Also, I don’t give nicknames to everyone.
I don’t give them to young kids like Amane, or to the hard-to-approach types like Shidō-san.
I mean, I’m not giving you one, right?

Fūta: …oi, which group are you trying to say I am?


Yuno: Hey, Haruka-kun, how was it?
The guard put it like “your mental images are gonna be extracted!!” but what was it actually like?

Haruka: U-uh… I’m sorry.
I don’t, really remember…
I spoke with the guard, and then a bell rang… a-and I felt my shoulder get hit… and then…
N-next thing I realised, time had passed, and it was over…

Yuno: Hmm~ You sure there wasn’t something fun that happened?
You were smiling really widely when you came back, weren’t you?
…I’m looking forward to my turn~

Haruka: Ehh…!?
…ah, n-no, I… n-nothing happened… hehe.


Shidō: …do you mind if we talk?
It seems you’ve relaxed a bit more recently, Kusunoki-kun.

: Eh… yeah, definitely compared to the start… just a bit.
But I’m still scared… we still don’t know what they might do to us.
I want to go home soon…
I wonder what’s happening there… Papa and Mama must be really worried…

Shidō: That’s good… You were crying so much, so I was concerned for you.
…yeah, I’m sure.
Your family will definitely be worrying about you.
I… hope you can go back soon.

: Shidō-san… did you come here to comfort me…?
I’m sorry, I’d thought you were… a scary person… fufu.


Amane: Thank you very much for teaching me.
…but, though I realise it’s strange me saying this after I asked you, I must admit it’s kind of unexpected.
You give off the impression of someone who wouldn’t want to get involved in things like this.

Kotoko: …well, you’re not wrong.
I’m surrounded by people who could all be murderers, so I don’t plan on going out of my way to talk and make friends. I can’t let my guard down.
But I like ambitious people like you. If you want to study more, then I’m happy to teach.

Amane: I see…
You look scary at first impression, but I quite like the way you treat everyone equally regardless of whether they’re older or younger than you.
You don’t just treat me like a child or anything like that.

Kotoko: Treat you like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding.
Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today. I don’t have any plans to let you get away with something just “because you’re a child.” …remember that.
There, I’ve finished marking. 83%.
How do I put it… Even though you act like this, it’s not like you’re super brilliant at studying or anything, huh.