Welcome to Milgram.

Use the navigation at the top right to view the content in order, starting with the First Trial.

Voting is currently closed. Once voting for the Third Trial opens, you may judge each of the currently open prisoners once per day at https://milgram.jp/judge.

Milgram is an online music project created by DECO*27 and Takuya Yamanaka. It features ten prisoners, who each have committed a "murder"; their stories are told through audio dramas, music videos, and other content, and viewers are invited to vote on whether to forgive them. There will be three rounds of voting, the third of which is expected to begin in the coming weeks.

This site was made by me, Glass Shard, out of a desire to have everything in one place. A lot of Milgram content out there is pretty spread out on the internet; I figured I'd amass it all onto one easy-to-navigate Google site!

I've included my own subtitles for a certain few music videos, in addition to the official ones – this is because I found the official subtitles deeply lacking for certain songs. My Japanese level is beginner-to-medium, so my subtitles were made by cross-referencing the official subs with a dictionary and what I saw other people saying. I recommend you watch both subtitle versions, but it's up to you!

...One last thing. Milgram is a series about murderers, and it doesn't stray away from heavy topics. A full list of content warnings would be a hefty task to write (and it'd spoil a lot, besides), so please do tread with caution.