First Trial POSTS (3)

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[2020-10-16: 's voice drama and music video are released]

2020-10-16 (Mū's First Trial)

: Uu… uuu… scared… I’m scared…

2020-10-04 (Shidō's Birthday)

Shidō: Birthday… Now that you mention it, it has got to that time of year.
Thank you for going out of your way for me.

: …Shidō-san, you don’t seem very happy.
You’re the one whose birthday is today, you should smile more.

Shidō: No, I am smiling… even if it doesn’t show.
I’m really glad that you’re celebrating for me, Kusunoki-kun.

: Is that so…?
It doesn’t look like it at all though. I’m not satisfied.

[2020-11-12: Shidō's voice drama and music video are released]

2020-11-12 (Shidō's First Trial)

Shidō: …Kashiki-kun, what sort of thing does it actually mean by “extracting mental images”?

Yuno: Ah, right, you’re going in for it now, aren’t you? Have a nice trip.
What sort of thing… what sort of thing… Hmm, I don’t actually remember anything after the first part.
Talking with the guard was fun, though.

Shidō: I see…?
That… does sound like fun.
Well, I’ll be off now.

Yuno: Okay, see you!
…hmm. So even he can smile like that sometimes.

2020-12-15 (Kotoko's Birthday)

Kotoko: I still need more information before I make my move.
…I wish my turn would get here faster.

Haruka: Um, Koto-Kotoko-san.
I h-heard that it’s your birth, day…

Kotoko: Ah, that’s right.
…what about it?

Haruka: !!
A-ah, no, um, it’s, uh, nothing…
S-sorry for, bothering… L-later…!

Kotoko: …what was that about??

[2021-01-16: Mahiru's voice drama and music video are released]

2021-01-16 (Mahiru's First Trial)

Mikoto: Hm?
What’s up, Mappy?
You seem to be in a super good mood right now??

Mahiru: …it’s a secret.
This is the sort of thing I have to keep to myself until I’m absolutely sure.

2021-01-17 (Mahiru's Birthday)

Mahiru: Fufu, it’s a special day today.
I can’t help but feel something good’s going to happen.

Fūta: What’s with all the muttering to yourself.
It’s creepy.

Mahiru: Geez, you really don’t understand, Fūta-kun.
You’ll never have a proper romance with that attitude!

Fūta: Who cares. Obviously this is because today’s your birthday. It’s just the day you happened to be born, it doesn’t mean anything.
Here, I’ll give you my tomato, so just shut up and eat it. That’s your birthday present, so be grateful.

[2021-03-22: Mahiru's voice drama and music video are released]
[2021-04-16: Amane's voice drama and music video are released]

2021-03-22 (Kazui's First Trial)

Shidō: Mukuhara-san, you’ve not been looking great ever since you came back.

Kazui: Ahh… yeah, I still haven’t got back to my usual self, huh.
Y’know, Shidō-kun… kids can be really brutal, huh.
I don’t have any of my own, so I hadn’t realized until now.

Shidō: Haha, so they are.
They won’t listen to the excuses adults make to explain themselves.
…though that’s also what makes them cute.

Kazui: Yeah… You’re really mature, Shidō-kun.
By comparison, I’m really immature huh. Not growing up in any way other than my age.
(sigh) Even I’m starting to hate that about myself.

2021-04-16 (Amane's First Trial)

Amane: ……

Mikoto: Oh, welcome back Amane!
…what’s with the grim face?
Ah, right, the guard summoned you!
How was it? Did you cry?
I bet you were so scared you cried, right!?

Amane: …alright then.
If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get…

Mikoto: Huh? Oooi!
Hey, are you listening?? Ooooi!

2021-04-19 (Fūta's Birthday)

Haruka: U-uh, um, Fūta-kun!
Um! Um!!

Fūta: Huh? Shut up already…
Didn’t I already say not to make a big fuss about my birthday.
I’m not some kid who gets excited by stuff like that anymore!

Haruka: …??
Ah, er, i-is it your birthday…?
Th-that, ah, um, h-happy birthday…

Fūta: ……
You will tell nobody about this conversation.

2021-06-21 (Haruka's Birthday)

: Haruka-kun, are you awake…?
Happy birthday.

Haruka: M-Mu-san?
I… I-I’m awake…
Th-thank you, very much.
I’m… glad…

: ……
Shall we talk?
You know, recently I’ve been pretty interested in you.

Haruka: …!!
I-in me…?
Hehe, hehehe… interested, in me.

2021-06-27 (Amane's Birthday)

Shidō: Amane, I heard it was your birthday today.
I asked Es-kun if we could get this cake to give to you…

Amane: I don’t need it.
I’ll gratefully accept your well-wishes, but I don’t eat things like that.
Also… Shidō-san, I can’t say I’m especially fond of the way you assume that all children will love frivolous things like this.

Shidō: ……
Is that so… I apologize.
I’m sure everyone else will be happy to eat it, so don’t worry about it.
Sorry for intruding.

Amane: ……

2021-07-05 (Mū's Birthday)

: Yuno.
Don’t you have something to say to me?

Yuno: Huh? To you? Me?
…ahh, uh? Your birthday, right?
Happy birthday~

: How mean…
Since it’s my birthday, I really wish you’d said something before I had to come and tell you myself.

Yuno: Right, right, I’m sorry.
I’ll be more careful in future~ Later!
Haha… things have become even more of a bother…
…so was that Mū-chan’s real personality, then?
It’s probably because the guard did something, right?

[2021-08-13: Mikoto's voice drama and music video are released]

2021-08-05 (Kazui's Birthday)

Kazui: Oh, Shīna-chan?
How scandalous, coming to a man’s room in the middle of the night like this. Well, not that it’s really a room, just a cell.
…just kidding, since you brought some drinks with you, I’m assuming you’ve come to wish me a happy birthday, right? Thank you.

Mahiru: Yep! Happy birthday Kazui-san~ Clap clap clap!
But as well as that~ …I also just maybe wanted to use it as an excuse so I could ask you for some advice over drinks, I suppose?

Kazui: Advice, huh.
Well, you’re more than welcome, but I don’t really know what advice an old man like me could give you.
I haven’t got the first clue about what love is like for a young girl nowadays.

Mahiru: Ahaha… Don’t worry, much as I’d love to talk about that too, um… uh, Kazui-san.
You know, recently I’ve been having the same dream every day.
Lots of people were denying my actions…
Denying my thoughts… that sort of dream.

2021-08-13 (Mikoto's First Trial)

Mikoto: Ugh… ow, ow…
Ahh, first I get stepped on, then I get kicked, what even is this…

Kotoko: …welcome back.
How was it?

Mikoto: Ah, Koto-chan, I’m back.
Honestly, where do I even start!? Just look at this lump on my head! It’s huge! I don’t even remember what happened, but this is violence!

Kotoko: Hm… How unfortunate.

2021-09-02 (Yuno's Birthday)

Haruka: Y-Yuno-san.
Good morning!
T-today’s your birthday, right…?
Ha-happy birthday…!!

Yuno: Oooh… Thanks?
You’ve definitely changed a bit huh, Haruka.
You speak a little louder now, and actually look people in the eyes when you talk.

Haruka: Eh, ah, i-is that so…
I wasn’t, aware of it myself, but…
Heh, hehe. Is that so.

Yuno: Ding ding!
My sensor is telling me… this is probably a girl’s influence.
Well, everyone here is slowly changing, I guess. Even me.

2021-10-06 (Mikoto's Birthday)

Mikoto: …ah, Fūta?
What’s up? Did you come to celebrate my birthday?

Fūta: Hah!? Like I care about your birthday.
…what’s up with you, though, you’re usually a lot more excited. I thought you were the sort of idiot who’d make a big deal over your birthday.

Mikoto: Yeah, usually that’d be the case.
…I think I must be getting tired. It’s like I’m anxious over something but I can’t really explain what it is… Like, the feeling that I’ve been totally wrong about something.
Haha, but it’s not like talking to you about it is gonna do anything.

Fūta: Yeah, yeah, just like you say.
Talking to me about it isn’t gonna help.
…but, it’s not like I don’t get what you’re saying.
Or rather, I understand exactly what you mean.
And if it’s the same thing as I’ve been feeling, then it will just get stronger as time goes on… probably.
But anyway, rather than talking to someone like me you should go and bother the others. Go and get showered with their stupid birthday wishes.

[2021-10-26: Kotoko's voice drama and music video are released]

2021-10-24 (Shidō's Birthday)

Shidō: …oh, Yuzuriha-kun.
It’s unusual so see you around this early.
Wishing me a happy birthday… probably isn’t the what you’re here for, huh.

Kotoko: No, it is. Happy birthday, Shidō.
Though it’s not like I bought you a present or anything.
But while I’m here, I’d also like to ask you something.
Has anything changed for you recently?
Having nightmares, hearing voices, feeling anxious… anything like that.

Shidō: Not especially, no.
…ah, so this is about how Kajiyama-kun and Shīna-kun have been strange recently? And she’s been trying to hide it, but Amane too…
We’ve been living in these conditions for a while… it’s not unusual for there to be an impact on us mentally.
Are you worried about them? You’re a very caring person.

Kotoko: Hmm, so you noticed?
If nothing’s wrong with you, then that’s good.
…if I’ve understood properly, that means you’re safe…
Once again, happy birthday, Shidō Kirisaki.

2021-10-26 (Kotoko's First Trial)

Kotoko: …come, Es. Let’s fight together.

2021-12-15 (Kotoko's Birthday)

Haruka: Ah… H-happy birthday, Kotoko-san.

Kotoko: …thanks.
You’ve definitely changed a bit. Do you remember before? You could barely even talk to me.

Haruka: I-is that so?
Now that you mention it, I, I maybe have got a bit better since then.
…m-maybe I’ve got more used to being around people. There’s other people here who are interested in me, and, um, in particular Mū-san pays a lot of notice to me… I… I’m enjoying myself here…

Kotoko: …hmm.
It’s just a theory I have right now, but I get the feeling the outcome of Milgram’s judgements are having some influence on our mental state. Well, I only noticed because I happened to be last up, though.
Good for you, then. This must mean that you’re fine.
…I’ll accept those birthday wishes.

2022-01-17 (Mahiru's Birthday)

Mahiru: My birthday… the day I was born…
But was there really any reason for me being born? Lately I’ve started to wonder that.
Do you ever think about stuff like that, Yuno-chan?

Yuno: Eh? Not really.
I mean, Mahiru-san, you’re really the romantic type, right? Not that I have anything against that.
But isn’t it a bit much to think that everything in life has a meaning?
If it makes you happy to think like that then go ahead, but if it doesn’t, then isn’t that in itself meaningless?

Mahiru: …you might be right.
I’ve always just lived my life like this, so I don’t really know.

Yuno: We’ve all just gone through a bunch of things in life that happened to lead us here. It’s nothing more than a coincidence. Definitely not fate or anything. Probably.
Even if there isn’t a meaning, you can still be happy that it’s your birthday.
That sort of thing’s all you need in life really. So happy birthday, Mahiru-san.

[2022-03-16: Jackalope's First Trial Final Report is released]

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