Amane Momose

Voice Lines

Amane T1 Website Line 01.mp3

I’m Amane Momose, 12 years old, in my 6th year of elementary school. I’ll be in your care from now on.

Amane T1 Website Line 02.mp3

If I’m told that I’ve “killed” someone then that might be the case. But I don’t think it was wrong. If you deem that wrong, then I’d think you’re more in the wrong.

Amane T1 Website Line 03.mp3

I see… You’re the prison guard, are you? …Hm? I’m not afraid. God is protecting me after all.

Amane T1 Website Line 04.mp3

“My sin” is what you say, but… This kind of conduct right now is a criminal offense, is it not? Well, I think there’s something more important than the law, so I won’t hold it against you or anything, prison guard.

Amane T1 Website Line 05.mp3

This is something like a trial, I’m aware of that. Moreover, I’m sure when I overcome it, I’ll be able to mature as a person. Ah… Um… More importantly, that rabbit, is that rabbit okay with being petted?

Amane T1 Voice Trailer Line.mp3

[headphone warning]
Ahh! I'm so sorry...! I'm sorry...! I'm sorry for breaking the rules!

Voice Drama: “Apostle and Death

Music Video: “Magic

I recommend looking at the comment section on the official upload, for the sake of understanding other viewers' theories.

Audience Interrogation

Bonus Content

Positive Parade (Amane Cover)

Magic (Es Cover)

Audience Verdict: Unforgiven (51.66%)