Haruka Sakurai

Voice Lines

Haruka T1 Website Line 01.mp3

Uh… My name’s Haruka Sakurai. I’m 17 years old, I think. Uh, well, I have no interest in my own age… I’m sorry.

Haruka T1 Website Line 02.mp3

I guess…that’s right… I killed someone as well. It’s inexcusable.

Haruka T1 Website Line 03.mp3

Prison guard! You shouldn’t get so close to me… Bringing misfortune to people is the only thing I’m naturally good at.

Haruka T1 Website Line 04.mp3

I don’t hate it, this place. All the prisoners are kind, they pay attention to me… they’re all no good, so I feel a bit at ease.

Haruka T1 Website Line 05.mp3

It makes me happy, no matter what their goals are, being able to speak to other people like this…

Haruka T1 Voice Trailer Line.mp3

[headphone warning]
Then what should I have done instead?! Tell me! Tell me so even I can understand!

Voice Drama: “Writhing of the Weak

Music Video: “Weakness”

I recommend looking at the comment section on the official upload, for the sake of understanding other viewers' theories.

Audience Interrogation

Bonus Content

Two Breaths Walking (Haruka Cover)

Weakness (Es Cover)

Audience Verdict: Forgiven (58.33%)