Amane Momose

Voice Lines

Teaser: No way I'm ever gonna forgive you! I'll never ever forgive you!!

Milgram Teaser Audio.mp3
Amane T2 Website Line 01.mp3

Amane Momose. Don’t make me lose even more faith in you.

Amane T2 Website Line 02.mp3

So you decided you don’t forgive me. If you don’t fix your way of thinking, we’ll never forgive you for all eternity.

Amane T2 Website Line 03.mp3

Shidō Kirisaki. What he’s doing is a taboo to us. I warned him. If he keeps going I’ll have to punish him. And if he doesn’t want that, he should stop. You can do that, right?

Amane T2 Website Line 04.mp3

Honestly… I had high hopes for you, but you understand nothing.

Amane T2 Website Line 05.mp3

What we think is right and wrong is evidently not the same as what Milgram thinks is right and wrong. Milgram is an incorrect world. But I’ll forgive you this once. We value thought. You should think hard about it.

Amane T2 Voice Trailer Line.mp3

[headphone warning]
Father is a very praiseworthy person. Once his virtue increases, he'll come back home, right? It's a little lonely, but I'm fine!

Voice Drama: “Happiness and Retribution

Music Video: “The Purge March

I recommend looking at the comment section on the official upload, for the sake of understanding other viewers' theories.

Audience Interrogation

Bonus Content

Animal (Amane Cover)

Audience Verdict: Forgiven (51.32%)