Mahiru Shīna

Voice Lines

Teaser: Don't you dare say "I love you" without any proper weight behind it!!! [unintelligible] The word "love"… don't use it!!

Milgram Teaser Audio.mp3
Mahiru T2 Website Line 01.mp3

Mahiru Shīna… It’s been a while, Es-kun. I’ve… missed you.

Mahiru T2 Website Line 02.mp3

You… didn’t forgive me, huh. So my love is a “sin”… so there’s no point in me living. Well, I already knew that. Ever since that day…

Mahiru T2 Website Line 03.mp3

These injuries… while you were sleeping… I think it was Kotoko, probably. If it wasn’t for Shidō-san, I probably would’ve died… It doesn’t hurt. Compared to my heart after you didn't forgive it, it doesn't hurt at all.

Mahiru T2 Website Line 04.mp3

I’ve kept on hearing voices condemning me. I thought nothing was stronger than love. But it’s painful when it never dies down.

Mahiru T2 Website Line 05.mp3

Spending time at Milgram, I started to love everyone here. I love you too, Es-kun! But… me loving other people is unforgivable…

Mahiru T2 Voice Trailer Line.mp3

[headphone warning]
Ehehe… I love, love, love you!!! Don't ever let me go, okay?!

Voice Drama: “Love is [Un]Dead

Music Video: “I Love You

I recommend looking at the comment section on the official upload, for the sake of understanding other viewers' theories.

Audience Interrogation

Bonus Content

Parasite (Mahiru Cover)

Audience Verdict: Forgiven (69.84%)